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∞ /notes/visualize-clojure-code-in-eclipse-with-dot-and-zest 🖇 | 2012-02-26 | graphviz clojure programming eclipse zest
Cross-posted to: https://fsteeg.wordpress.com/2012/02/26/visualize-clojure-code-in-eclipse-with-dot-and-zest/
In January, I started a new job where I use Clojure (we're hiring). I was happy to learn that there's a nice Eclipse plugin for Clojure called Counterclockwise. As a committer on Zest, I quickly had the obvious idea (well, obvious as in other crazy stuff to make the IDE more visual): visualize Clojure code as trees in Eclipse. If you use a language that is no Lisp it probably seems crazy to think about syntax trees while writing code, but if you actually write down syntax trees in your code, something like this might not only be fun, it could even be useful. This weekend I found some time to give it a spin: I hooked into Counterclockwise to generate a Graphviz DOT representation from the text selected in the Clojure editor, and pass that to the Zest graph view: